Difficulty level: high
Diners: 2
Preparation time: 1h 15'
In a saucepan, heat a little oil over low heat.
Add the prawns, sear them and set aside.
Add the garlic, previously chopped, and then the brunoised shallot to brown slightly.
Incorporate the porcini mushrooms, which must first be soaked.
Add the rice and stir for a minute.
Incorporate the broth and let it cook.
After 15 minutes, add the butter and half of the ham and stir.
Serve the rice on a plate and put the prawns and the remaining Iberian ham on top.
Few traditional dishes of Italian cuisine are more popular than risotto, one of the most reinterpreted recipes worldwide. The Cullera de Boix restaurant chef, Xavier Matarrodona, wanted to make a high-flying version by incorporating to the basic recipe three ingredients from the select gourmet pantry: ham shavings (which, if we want to take this to a higher level, should be from acorn-reared pigs), porcini mushrooms (the most highly valued mushroom by great cooks) and prawns (worthy competitors of shrimps). It will convince you for sure.
1h 30'
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